Comet Prophecy

Maybe it's not so wacky

Hale-Bopp came from Sagittarius, more than a few people say this is significant!

I was stunned and amazed when I generated this map of Hale-Bopp's course going back to 1992. Zecharia Sitchin thinks that Hale-Bopp is a "harbinger" of the return of the "12th planet" as he calls it. He says the planet's return to this part of the solar system every 36 hundred years has in the past spawned stories, legends and myths of gods and beings from the sky. He says both the planet and Hale-Bopp are on the same orbit, presumably the 12th planet is a few years behind.

Sitchin says the ancient ones said the 12th planet came from the region of sky we call Sagittarius -- he said this years before the discovery of Hale Bopp. I used my computer program to run the orbit of Hale-Bopp backwards in time to 1992. Notice that 1992 point is near the bottom of this chart and the positions of HB form a rising spiral pattern that just "hangs" steadily in Sagittarius for three years. Most of this star map is Sagittarius. There is a small corner near the lower right that is called Corona Australis, but that is a later invention of astronomers. Originally, Sagittarius formed a nice neat 30 degree wedge of sky map with straight edges. Isn't it odd and very amazing that HB just lingers precisely in Sagittarius? Just to the right of center is a blue dot with the designation M70. It's a well known and often viewed globular cluster in Sagittarius. This is what Mr. Hale and Mr. Bopp were looking at when they happened to see and discover Hale Bopp in July of 1995. I've seen a lot of comet tracks on this program and none create such a unique pattern centered in just one area of the sky - Sagittarius. It will be interesting to keep watching this Hale-Bopp track in the sky to see if we can spot - The Big One. Sitchin says the Naval Observatory has already photographed it and are keeping it a secret. It's also interesting to note that they found Hale Bopp on a major observatory picture (three years before its "discovery" but nobody thought anything of it).

After Hale-Bopp makes its closest approach to earth in the Spring of 1997, it will head off toward the far reaches of our solar system in the region of the sky between the constellations Orion and Leo. Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval both say this was an important region of the sky. They say the ancients depicted Orion with the three great pyramids (their orientation exactly matching the three stars in Orion's "belt"). Leo the lion is symbolized by the Sphinx. Between Leo and Orion is an area of the sky the ancient Egyptians called the Duat. They believed that after death, this is the area where the souls should go providing they could find their way there. This is the part of the sky where Hale-Bopp will disappear into until it again approaches the earth in 3,600 years. When it comes back - if it stays on its current orbit - it will again return on a path that seemingly originates in Sagittarius!

Remember too that Sagittarius represents an archer on horseback. Some Christian prophecy followers believe Hale-Bopp (or other larger bodies that may follow on its course) is revealed in the apostle John's vision that became Revelation. They say the first horseman of the apocolypse armed with arrows could mean tribulations coming from Sagittarius. Also note that this comet passes above another famous 'horse the sky' as it becomes very bright. It will pass right over Pegasus!

Many Native American, Mayan, and Hopi prophecies also speak of a great comet heralding the end of this age and the beginning of the time when "star beings" will return to set things right on this world.

Does The Mayan Calendar Really End in 2012?

Yes. But we screwed up big. It's true that the Mayans foresaw the end of the current age with earth changing events in the year 2012. However, because of mistakes made in our calendar, its actually much later than we think. Astronomer Richard C. Hoagland says if we correct our calendar to coincide with the Mayan calendar, the end of this age will come in 1997! More specifically, in the spring of 1997 - the time when Hale-Bopp is scheduled to arrive here!!

Coincidence or Random Chance??

Here's an odd one. Long before the discovery of Hale-Bopp, two writers wrote a best selling novel called "Lucifer's Hammer." Its about a comet that causes major trouble for earth. In the book, two amateur astronomers discover the comet at the same time. One of the fictional astronomers is Tim Hammer, the other is Gavin Brown. The comet is named Hammer-Brown which is then nicknamed HB for short. The same designation now being given to Hale-Bopp!